
Tonight were bringing you a serious looker in the War Chest Update. Meet Tyler.The 6 tall, 24-year old brunette weighs in at a toned 170 lbs. and has the most gorgeous skin. Truly, his body is quite stunning. Hes got muscles in all the right places and everything is worked out *just* right.Its no surprise to find out that the quiet Tyler works out three times a week. How else is he going to keep that ultra-perfect ass looking so good. Seriously, his butt is modern marvel.Now, Tyler is more of the strong and silent type, so there isnt a whole lot of chit-chat here with our guest director pal Mike. Perhaps Mike was just too awestruck to be able to form complete sentences? lol. Not only is Tyler a big beauty (with bodacious lips), but hes also packing major meat. He says his dick is 7 . . . 8 . .. 9. Well, I say thats a pretty wide range, but no matter what the *real* measurement is, Tylers dick is decidedly a big one.When he lets off his load at the end of the video, I swear he was about to have a melt down. HIs face wrenches up, all crazy-intense right before blowing. And then when he *does* cum, we see why he was going into convulsions – its a big load!

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