
Old teacher force suck cock

Isaac Parker is at the doctor’s office visiting Dr. Devin Trez, seeking some helpful info on sexual experiences after recently coming out. Devin is obviously eager to help with Isaac’s sexual desires and asks his patient to drop his pants and bend over. Taking it slow, Devin works his fingers into Isaac’s fresh ass. Isaac lays back on the table so that he can relax while the doctor keeps opening his ass up with his fingers. As Isaac loosens up, getting his hole played with feels better and better. He takes a spin at fingering himself for Devin, before laying back again and letting Devin introduce rimming to him. Devin’s tongue has Isaac’s hole puckered and the doctor knows the next step from here. The doctor drops trou and slowly works his massive, uncut cock into his patient’s tight ass. After a few pumps of feeling his walls being stretched, Isaac sucks the cock that was just up his ass before bending over and taking it raw and hard. The newly christened bottom takes his doctor’s cock bareback in multiple positions until finally, laying back and getting opened up while Isaac jerks out a well-deserved load on his abs. When the doctor is ready to blow, Devin pulls out and shoots his load all over his patient before sliding his cock back in Isaac’s ass one last time.

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