Old teacher force suck cock


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Niko is just so fuckin cute. Dang! We start shooting the breeze about how he was in the other room, talking to Andre, and asking him if hes ever bottomed before. And Andre said no… Heh. I joke with Niko about how I overheard him lathering up Andre, and I thought it was real cute. So, youre gonna de-virginize a virgin tonight, I tell Niko. Im cool with that! he says. Are ya? Something tells me you are. I think you fucking like this. I dont even know why I pay you, I joke. I enjoy it! Niko says, laughing and smiling.I tell Niko that its time for him to shower up, and Im gonna send in Andre for Niko to slather the butter on, so to speak. Niko shucks off his underwear, already stiff as a board. I get in real close, up and under him. Excuse me while I try to regain composure here for a moment. lol. Niko starts soaping himself up — and in comes Andre. Niko is telling Andre what theyre going to do together — you know, lathering one another up, washing each other down, and so on. You cool with that? Niko asks. Yeah! Andre says, totally cool with whats about to go down. Andre shucks off his clothes and hops in the shower with Niko, who starts soaping him up. Meanwhile, Nikos massive dick is lingering mighty close to Andres ass. (A hint of things to come…) The guys turn to face one another and embrace, and Andre grabs Nikos dick and starts jerking. But, lets not get too far ahead of ourselves, as Niko asks Andre to soap him up. Well, it isnt long before Andre is down on his knees, slurping up Nikos cock. I get in real close with the camera and by that point, Niko is floating up in the clouds — reeling in the amazing blow job hes getting from Andre. After a while, he says he cant take it any longer, and its time for him to give Andre a taste of the action. Down goes Niko to his knees, and he starts gulping down Andre. You like the way my dick tastes? Andre asks. Niko can only answer with mumbles and groans, as his mouth is full of dick. lol.After some more oral action in the shower, the guys move over to the bed where Andre prepares to get fucked for the very first time. Well dang me, hes a fast learner, as Niko slides his dick up him nice and slow — and before long, hes long-stroking him something good. Niko is slapping his ass, telling Andre how nice it is, and how tight it is. All Andre can do is groan and moan in response.After a good while, Niko says how its his turn. Well, it looks like we got ourselves a regular flip-flop scene folks! Andre, and his tanlined-butt, start spearing into Niko, who is doing his best not to lose his cool too much. But you can hear him panting and sighing something fierce — hes enjoying it.Your ass feels so good, Andre says. Yeah? Its yours, baby, Niko says. Hot damn!Alright, yall are going to have to see how the rest of the scene turns out, but let me tell you, its hot. Niko is just so gosh darn cute, and he looks so good getting fucked. I think youre gonna like this scene, a lot.

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